
We are proud to be a certified distributor for these industry leading tool suppliers.

HTC Tool-Cutter Mfg. Co. & Quinco Tool Products


HTC Tool-Cutter Mfg. Co. & Quinco Tool Products are proudly manufactured in the USA. With our partnership as your local distributor of HTC Cutting Tools & Quinco Tool Products, we can fill your tooling needs. We can provide a wide range of carbide end mills varying in length, diameter, flute count, and geometry.

With standard, variable helix (hot mills), and aluminum styled end mills, we can cut all materials. Also available are carbide hog mills, drills, burrs, countersinks, and center drills. With Quinco, we offer HSS and M42 cobalt end mills, and hog mills.

All of these products come in uncoated and coated options. These American made products and wide variety of options also come with an extremely competitive price and 2-day direct shipment on almost every standard order makes our ability to keep your production deadlines on track and costs down.



CERATIZIT continues to be a leading producer of carbide products in the world market.

Our partnership, as an exclusive distributor of Ceratizit Carbide Cutting Tools, allows for a personal relationship with a world class carbide manufacturer.

We supply some of the industries best cutting tool products with a small business approach. We provide a wide variety of inserted cutter bodies, inserts, high performance drills, and end mills. We can test run Ceratizit products head to head in your machines to verify the productivity, durability, and cost comparison you want.

With Ceratizit's US operation located in Warren, Michigan, orders and shipments are easy and efficient. The manufacturing industry evolves around the clock and with Ceratizit, Star Grinding & Supply is prepared to help you keep pace.


Production Tool Supply

Production Tool Supply, or PTS, allows Star Grinding & Supply the opportunity to fulfill nearly any manufacturing request. PTS offers products to the manufacturing and fabrication industry from set up to clean up. Not only do we have the ability to fill tooling needs with variances in product cost and brand we can supply abrasives, safety equipment, cleaning supplies, measuring equipment, holders, vices, storage, and even machinery. With PTS as a well stocked distribution partner we are prepared for any request.